Sunday, April 15, 2007

My Boys Can Swim!

Im going to be a what?

That was my first thought after I found out that my wife was pregnant. Next thought I had was, "First try.....Im good!"

Then, I went back to shock and excitement. Im 32 years old, I found the woman that I love and that Im going to spend the rest of my life with, Im focused on my career and building a future, and Im ready to start building a family.

My wife, Traci, and I made the decision to start trying for baby in February. Traci's brother is getting married in March of 2008 and there was no way we were missing it. So, we started doing the calculations. We had to utlize webmd fertility tools, a calendar, an abacus, and counting on our fingers and toes. We figured that we could try in March and April but then we would have to wait till after the wedding since there are rules on flying right before you are due or right after. Ohhh, that is just the start of the rules. There are rules on foods, rules on calculating your ovulation, rules on alcohol, rules on what days you can have sex, and more rules, rules, rules. Are you kidding me, if we were 17 and in high school, we would have gotten knocked up while hammered off of boones wine but just holding hands in the back seat of a mustang.

Well, we figured out a 5 day estimate of when Traci would be ovulating in March and got busy! We were extremely lucky and it happened the first time. In the immortal words of George Costanza on Sienfeld, "My Boys can Swim"!

Now, let the journey begin.

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